Apple Cornish Aromatic
A dessert apple, dating back to the early 19th century and probably older, Malus domestica Cornish Aromatic is fairly vigorous, with an upright, spreading habit. It’s a good, regular cropper, easy to grow, and a spur-bearer. It’s particularly suitable for mild, damp areas, with good disease resistance, particularly to scab and canker. The fruit is medium-sized, ribbed, with a red-flushed, russeted skin, and a very good, aromatic flavour in a good year, reminiscent of pineapple and pear drops. Apple Cornish Aromatic needs a pollination partner.
Site: Sheltered
Soil: Any well drained soil
Position: Crops best in full sun
Pick: Mid-October
Keep: December to February
Hardiness: Hardy
Pollination: Self-sterile; Pollination Group 4
Uses: Eating
During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.